There are lots of things to consider when buying real estate. Having a well thought out plan will help to make the process easier and more stress free. Below are a few questions to help you make a more sound investment decision.
- When you’re ready to move up will you sell or keep your home?
- Will your household be growing or diminishing?
- What rooms do you spend most of your time?
- Are children involved?
- Are schools an issue? Will they attend public or private?
- How many bedrooms and baths do you need?
- Do you entertain a lot?
- What are your weekend activities?
- Do you need a basement? If so, why?
- Do you wish neighborhood amenities like swim, tennis, clubhouse or golf course?
- Do you need sidewalks?
- Will you be spending a lot of time in the kitchen?
- Do you prefer hardwoods, tile or carpet?
- Are you into landscaping and gardening?
- Who will be doing your upkeep and home maintenance?
- Do you prefer a single family home? Condo? Town home?
- What about raw land?
- What about investment property?
- Have you investigated all areas to find the community that “feels” right?